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景盼盼 副教授

2020年05月21日 15:37  点击:[]


长期从事锂离子电池存储材料和极化-催化环境污水修复材料的结构设计、制备和基础科学和应用研究;已在Energy Environ. Sci.、Small、Nano Energy、Chem. Eng. J.、Appl. Mater. Today、Appl. Surf. Sci.、J. Hazard. Mater.和Nanoscale等国际材料、化学与能源领域权威期刊上发表了高水平学术论文32篇,申请并授权中国发明专利4项;主持并完成了国家自然科学基金青年项目、陕西省自然科学基础研究计划和williamhill官网“高水平博士”人才项目基金;与美国佐治亚理工学院的刘美林教授(欧洲科学院院士、Hightower Endowed Chair and Regents' Professor)和华南理工大学的赵伯特教授(国家海外青年高层次人才)、台湾师范大学王禎翰教授(终身教授,精通量子机械计算和模拟)在快充锂离子电池和光/电催化研究领域展开了深度合作。

1. 学习与工作履历

[1] 2016年6月至今,陕科大威廉希尔,副教授

[2] 2019年2月~2021年8月,美国佐治亚理工学院,国家公派博士后(合作导师:刘美林教授,欧洲科学院院士,佐治亚理工学院Hightower Endowed Chair and Regents' Professor,材料科学与化学领域高倍引科学家)

[3] 2011~2016年,兰州大学,凝聚态物理,硕/博士研究生(导师:兰伟教授、刘青芳教授、王建波教授)

2. 10篇代表作(持续更新中)

[1] P.P. Jing, M.T. Liu, H.-P. Ho, Y.F. Ma, W.B. Hua, H.H. Li, N. Guo, Y. Ding, W.L. Zhang, H.L. Chen, B.T. Zhao*, J.H. Wang*, M.L. Liu*, Tailoring the Wadsley-Roth Crystallographic Shear Structures for High-Power Lithium-ion Batteries, Energy Environ. Sci. (2024)(第一作者)


[2] J.L. Liu, P.P. Jing*, L. Zheng, N. Guo, C. Liu, H. Wang, Diffusion tunnel shortening and Oxygen-Vacancy boosting high rate and stable lithium ion storage of crystallographic self-healed Ti2Nb10O29 anode, Chem. Eng. J., 482 (2024) 148866.(唯一通讯作者)


[3] P.P. Jing, K.T. Liu, L. Soule, J.H. Wang, T.T. Li, B.T. Zhao*, M.L. Liu*, Engineering the architecture and oxygen deficiency of T-Nb2O5-carbon-graphene composite for high-rate lithium-ion batteries, Nano Energy (2021) 89, 106398. (第一作者)


[4] P.P. Jing*, C.P. He, S.H. Huang, H.H. Li, J.L. Liu, Y.F. Cui, Y.P. Pu, J.H. Wang*, 2D Z-scheme heterojunction and oxygen deficiency synergistically boosting the photocatalytic activity of a layered BaTiO3/BiOIO3 composite, Appl. Mater. Today, 2022, 29, 101574.(第一作者和第一通讯作者)


[5] P.P. Jing*, M.T. Liu, P.F. Wang, J. Yang, M.J. Tang, C.P. He, Y.P. Pu, M.L. Liu*, Flexible nonwoven ZrO2 ceramic membrane as an electrochemically stable and flame-resistant separator for high-power rechargeable batteries, Chem. Eng. J. (2020) 388, 124259. (第一作者和第一通讯作者)


[6] H.H. Li, P.P. Jing*, C.P. He, Z.X. Pan, J.L. Liu, Y.F. Cui, J.H. Wang*. Interfacial Configuration and Mechanism Insights of An All-Solid-State Z-scheme BaTiO3/Bi/Bi2O3 Heterojunctions for Rapid Removal of Tetracycline Antibiotics, Appl. Surf. Sci., 2023, 615, 156416.(第一通讯作者)


[7] T.T. Li, G. Nam, J. H.Wang, Bote Zhao*, Y. Ding, L. Soule, P.P. Jing, M.G. Kim*, Y.Y. Song*, M.L. Liu*, A niobium oxide with a shear structure and planar defects for high-power lithium ion batteries, Energy Environ. Sci. (2022) 15, 254-264. (参与作者)


[8] X. Ao, Y. Ding, G. Nam, L. Soule, P.P. Jing, B. Zhao*, J.Y. Hwang, J.H. Jang, C.D. Wang*, M.L. Liu*, A Single-Atom Fe-N-C Catalyst with Ultrahigh Utilization of Active Sites for Efficient Oxygen Reduction, Small (2022) 2203326. (参与作者)


[9] P.P. Jing, J.N. Li, L.N. Pan, J.B. Wang, X.J. Sun, Q.F. Liu*,Efficient photocatalytic degradation of acid fuchsin in aqueous solution using separate porous tetragonal-CuFe2O4 nanotubes, J. Hazard. Mater. (2015) (第一作者)


[10] P.P. Jing, J.L. Du, J.B. Wang, W. Lan, L.N. Pan, J.N. Li, J.W. Wei, D.R. Cao, X.L. Zhang, C.B. Zhao and Q.F. Liu*,Hierarchical SrTiO3/NiFe2O4 composite nanostructures with excellent light response and magnetic performance synthesized toward enhanced photocatalytic activity, Nanoscale (2015) 7, 14738. (第一作者)


3. 公司产品








2024级硕士:赵超越(在读)、Bilal Hussan(在读)

2024级博士:Hussain Zawar(在读)



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